Tender of My Seedling

Christ lifts my burden and opens my eyes.

Through prayer I feel the release of pent up pain, sorrow and worry-filled anticipations.

How long do we struggle and wrestle before delivering to His feet that which He can so easily consume with fire?

He is the head lifter. The tear bottler. The enemy thwarter. My shield, my refuge, my strength.

Who else has the words of life?

I crawl into His arms and exhale. Rest comes upon the gushing torrent of the mind.

In prayer I see that His wisdom is manifesting within me. His greatest works are unfolding.

I see the fruit! Oh, how I thought it would never come. But I see it!


I see you, fruit!

Could the scriptures really, really, be true in this? “That He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus?” (Philippians 1:6)

He truly is not a man that He should lie, aye? How could I ever doubt.

When we are His, He truly never leaves us; never forsakes us.

Even 4.5 years an immigrant in a distant land, devoid of His presence, daily longing for fresh bread. He was continuing and carrying on the good work within me.

It baffles. Mystifies. I am humbled. Unworthy. Thankful.

His greatest work in us is not our works. His greatest work is HIS fruit cultivated; our character molded into His. Clay yielded to the Potter being formed into a sanctified work of art.

His glory on display.

Thank You, Jesus for the belief you gave me and the unbelief you forgave.

Oh prayer, you beauty. You balm for the soul. You exposer of deep truths.

Perfection has not yet arrived but I marvel that any of the fruits may be found in me. That godliness is shared with me in any measure. That God would really, truly keep to His word. Cultivating me in this dry and barren land.

Letting the seed die that it might live.

Oh Farmer of farmers! Tiller of my soil. Tender of my seedling. Nourisher of my roots. Pruner of my branches.

God of my salvation, be glorified.

Thank You for the honor of watching You at work within me.
